Reply To: High Holiday Davening

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yehudayona:- I daven Nusach Ashkenaz in a Nusach Sefard shul. I have no problem following the davening with my Ashkenaz machzor except for the avodah. The shul provides leaflets with the Sefard avodah so we Nusach Ashkenaz people can follow.

1) You yehudayona are a very smart fellow to still pray Nusach Ashkenaz, despite your Shul doing otherwise, because Nusach Ashkenaz is simply the best.

2) As far as your leaflets, if you come equipped with a Machzor Rabba, it contains both Nusach Ashkenaz & Nusach Sephard for the Avodo:- One above the dividing line, and the other below the dividing line.