Reply To: Geveinas Akum

Home Forums Bais Medrash Geveinas Akum Reply To: Geveinas Akum


Of course, I am proudly Modern Orthodox, and I believe that our approach is the correct one, espoused by Hazal, Rambam, Rasag, the Gra, Rav Hirsch, Rav Weinberg, Rav Soloveitchik, Rav Angel, Rav Berman, Rav Riskin, and scores of other gedolim.

And I very much appreciate yytz’s postings, as well as all reasonable postings above.

If my “Crimes” should be placing a value on the arts and sciences, loving all people, Jew and Non-Jew alike, working to heal the world of injustices, making a place for women within Jewish life and learning, espousing a moderate approach to halakha fully in line with the texts, and loving gerim, protecting children from pedophiles, defending scientific logic and fact, and calling out injustice and poor readings and misunderstandings of rabbinic texts, all of which abound in the reconstructed, polemical reactionary world of Haredism, than let me stand accused. I stand on the shoulders of giants, including Hhazal, the Gra, the Rambam, and all of the gedolim I mentioned above.