Reply To: Why Isn't There a Megillah for Chanuka?

Home Forums Yom Tov Chanukah Why Isn't There a Megillah for Chanuka? Reply To: Why Isn't There a Megillah for Chanuka?


One interesting point I noted, it has been some time since I peeked into that writing. There is a MAJOR difference between that and the rest of Kisvei Kodesh. Whereas almost every battle in Tanach was done and over with a passuk or two, here, if I remember correctly, almost the whole thing describes war, strategies, elephants, chariots etc. The campaign against Shichon is alluded to by a quarter passuk, Og is afforded almost one entire passuk. The war of b’nei Yaakov (if true) is not recorded at all. This work is entirely (at least most) of battle, armies, warring. No, not the Yiddishe folklore.