Reply To: Why Isn't There a Megillah for Chanuka?

Home Forums Yom Tov Chanukah Why Isn't There a Megillah for Chanuka? Reply To: Why Isn't There a Megillah for Chanuka?


HaLeiVi – The Ness that stood out and makes This Yeshua different and special is the Ness of the Menora, but when it comes to being grateful and thanking Hashem, we thank Him for saving and helping us, rather than skipping that and thanking for a candle burning eight days.

The Gra”ch explains that the days of chanukah are “yemei hallel v’hoydoya” (as we say “L’hodos u’lehallel”) that hoydoya is when a person’s life is saved (arbah tzrichim l’hodos) – going on ness hamilchoma, while hallel is for a ness that is “extra”, that Hashem showed us His love, beyond what we need to survive – going on ness hashemen.

Chanukah was established for BOTH: l’hodos, u’lehalel!

(Therefore in Modim, a time of hoydoya, we say the Al Hanissim about ness hamilchoma davka).