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toi, I am not telling you to date or not date someone who is seriously overweight. The concept of “fat” is quite subjective, however. Look at any Rubens painting, and you will see women who by today’s standards would be considered pretty overweight, yet in centuries past, this was the paradigm of beauty.

You judge today (as do so many people) by the standards that have been unreasonably set by Hollywood, the fashion industry, and some really overzealous mothers of boys. It is unfair, and causes many a young man to disregard a potential shidduch with a girl who might be as little as 5-10 lbs. heavier than the girl wearing the size 2 dress. When I was in the dating world, a size 2 would have been considered anorexic-looking. Most young women were at least sizes 6-10 with 10 being the average and also being considered VERY attractive and healthy. Now that number strikes ridiculous fear in the hearts of the boys, the girls, and the shadchanim. Nonsense.

And need I remind you that even the size ZERO girl can go up to a 26, after several children. You might do the same. btw, AND lose your hair. Maybe the prospective female shidduchim should check out the male pattern baldness in the boys’ families, lest that be a turnoff.

Here’s a thought – why don’t young men and women simply go out, get to know each other, and THEN see if they like each other enough to continue dating? It just might result in a happy marriage for many.