Reply To: Why Hasn't YWN Reported The Webberman Trial?

Home Forums In The News Why Hasn't YWN Reported The Webberman Trial? Reply To: Why Hasn't YWN Reported The Webberman Trial?


Maybe there’s one site left in the world wide that doesn’t glorify everyone’s curiosity with all disgusting, gory and filthy intimate details that are wont to come out from the nature of such a trial.

I applaud this site, its administrator(s) and staff (especially overworked Mods who have to deal with my ‘literature’ – ha, I just added another), for keeping the air relatively clean, suitable for a Torah oriented (fun seeking) lifestyle.

So naturally they filter what’s newsworthy to this Hallowed site. No. Words of such a nature should not be commonplace, should not be the the topic of discussion in a Torah home. ???? ?’ ?? ???? because of ?? ???? ???? ????, we have different topics of discussions.

(Chief Mod, isn’t that the reason?)