Reply To: WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!!

Home Forums Controversial Topics WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!! Reply To: WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!!


I notice that the same people now saying that schools must be more restrictive about who they let in are the same who complain that schools are too selective who they admit.

All the pundits and even actors admit that the violence portrayed and glorified in movies, on tv and in video games have led to the ever increasing number of mass shootings, particularly by young people. And it is young people who seem to be involved in these terrible/ horrible school shootings. As students or past students in the school. On addition the “experts” lay additional blame on the break up of the family unit and family values.

Do you think it is not appropriate for yeshivas to prohibit movies, tv and such violent games? How can they not? On top of everything else it is a safety measure.

I can also understand that when there are limited resources they would prefer students from families that emphasize family values. (There is no greater measure of family values than following what is in the Torah).

The question is why are there schools that do not insist on these rules? The extra tuition charged dies not nearly cover the costs of the experts needed to try to mitigate the negative aspects of violence, profanity and vulgarity the students are being exposed to. These schools are not in better financial position even though their tuition is 5 times higher.

It is a wonder. These modern distractions do not seem in anyway to be an improvement.