Reply To: WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!!

Home Forums Controversial Topics WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!! Reply To: WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!!


Gregaaron, how can you believe what you just said? My school invested a good deal of money into redoing all of the windows so that they are now bulletproof, and we have a pretty fantastic lock down system. We do not hae a security guard which I think we should, but we are taking measures. This psycho who shot his way through was a terrifying monster but, have you ever heard of someone doing that? Other kind of predators exist too, and security should be beefed up because its 2012 and there are a lot of sick people in the world. A man was creeping around the back playground at my schoo last year, we could see him from one of the windows in my class, so the head master called the police, he was gone when they got there. If we disnt have gates that locked from the Inside, who knew if he could have snatched a kid and taken off into the woods. You should never skimp on security when it comes to your kids. The rabbis will keep on surviving on what they make now.