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The most adorable shidduch related story I ever heard goes like this.

A girl (a bit older) shows up to R Moishe Feinstein’s apartment

for a brocho from the Gadol Hador.

Alas there is someone in by the Rosh Yeshiva, and she was told by the Rebetzin that she’d have to wait a few minutes.

The Rebetzin attempting to make small talk with her to pass the time, asks what kind of a brocho she wanted from the R. which the girl replies she needs a brocho for a shidduch.

The Rebetzin asks her what she’s looking for in a husband.

She replies that she’s looking for a Talmid Chochom.

The Rebetzin continues and asks how old she is. To which the girl responds that she’s 24.

Rebetzin Feinstein looks at her with a twinkle in her eye and asks, “Eib azay, farvuss viltz du an achtzig yerege man?”!!!

(TRANSLATED: If you are 24 why would you want an 80 year old man?)