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MP Great Talent
I also enjoyed this one which was posted yesterday on the Welcome Back AYC thread:
Ken Zayn
born Kenneth Solomon Zaynestzky
Am Yisrael Chai
You have gone, why?
You are the most wonderful guy
But now you make many of us cry.
So now after the Shem Tov you did earn
Wont you please return
From you we all did learn
And you are now our main concern
For while you have a justifiable irk
And this site you for now shirk
Your reaction is only knee-jerk
And we know you’ll be back with a smirk
For now our fingers do clench
We wait for you to our appetites quench
So dont let your heart wrench
Because you are the ultimate mentsh!
Come back with a confident smile
We are missing your artistic style
Which is oh so very vesatile
With a kop that is so fertile
Posted 1 day ago #