Reply To: Please Daven For Our Lost Children

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Please Daven For Our Lost Children Reply To: Please Daven For Our Lost Children


No you didn’t strike a nerve but you are a koifer and an apikorus and someone with your foolish beliefs belongs on some atheist website. Don’t come to Yeshivaworld with your stupidity. You don’t see what azas panim you are to come to a frum website and insult our intelligence with your comments?

What on earth is ” with things like emperical data, historcal accuracy of the Torah?” All the questions have been answered already on this site and many others. Anyone who wants answers should go to a Rabbi and ask or check the websites that deal with the issues or buy any of a few 100 books that deal with the questions.

Also you are a very cruel person for saying this ” How incredibly naive and patronizing.

When a child goes off the derech, the first thing a parent usually says is “how am I going to show my face in shul now?””

Do you have any clue what parents actually say?! How dare you make such a statement as though you are in the homes and know what parents say?! Are you so stupid to actually think this is what people say?!

Uch im already nauseous from you and im sure it will only get worse with your response so do me a favor and don’t respond.