Reply To: DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply To: DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!


“It probably is a good idea for you not to say Mutter or Ossur -it doesn’t sound like you have such a handle on Halacha like some of us here.”

Ouch. Can’t say i’d know if you have better halachik knowledge than me or not. I do know that i do try to be careful, and i have learned sifrei chofetz chaim and abt giving tochacha and about whats muttar to say or not, many times, alone, from teachers, and from rabbanei ha’ir.

You too only claimed you are “pretty sure that that comment is Mutter”. And I feel it is assur. to each their own? I am staying away from paskening because i am not a posek and have no desire to give others a psak. both sides were already argued, and it seems most the posters are stuck on their opinion, not really listening to find an answer. I avoided that conversation, and stepped back on my opinion too already. Each can go to his own sforim and Rav for a psak. I only commented on the biting comments and put downs that were going out. Like this one above? If you’d sent that line to someone else, i’d also comment to you.

Thank you MiddlePath for your moral support. I really appreciate it!