Reply To: Does the Gemoro say that we should have fewer children when times are tough?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Does the Gemoro say that we should have fewer children when times are tough? Reply To: Does the Gemoro say that we should have fewer children when times are tough?


Just to follow up – I’ve boruch hashem been zocheh to have more children than the “minimum”, I don’t in any way advocate against having more children, and yes, gavra, it means “refraining”, not “preventing”. I wasn’t suggesting that.

I also believe that in any case we in this generation have a special responsibility to restore the neshamos in Klal Yisroel that were lost.

Nonetheless I thought the psak from Resh Lakish was remarkable and wanted to hear what others thought.

I disagree with Hershi that it is michutz lamachaneh, though. Is Resh Lakish no longer an acceptable source to quote? Is Yosef Hatzadik no longer an exemplar for Klal Yisroel (if this could even apply practically, which I am not convinced of)?

The qoute itself is followed by the Tanna Kama saying it doesn’t apply to the childless. This answers one of my questions, but it also gives halachic credence to Resh Lakish’s advice by noting the exception.