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Popa – – GREAT post, really excellent!

While it is wonderful that a woman wants to learn, whether it is a shiur, or hashkafic writings, etc. Hashem potured her from that because her job of raising the next generation of frum Yidden, far outweighs the learning she might be doing. Women have a mitzvah to TEACH their children Torah, by living it, by bringing them up to be machshiv it. Everything they do to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel, is a reflection of that which is found in those shiurim.

Whatever you do, DON’T make your wife feel like she is being coerced. If she is doing the job that she is supposed to be doing, then she will already be fulfilling Ratzon Hashem properly. If she as an added bonus also enjoys going to shiurim, that is icing on the cake, but the cake is still pretty tasty, even without the icing.