Reply To: Broken Engagements

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SJS, thanks for the compliment.

gavra, as a Chassidishe woman, I can definitely attest that what you are saying is not true.

No human being can exist as a normal person in an abusive environment. A generation ago, a person in an abusive marriage did not divore, but today, in most frum communities, sooner or later these marriages dissolve. Even in Yeshivishe communities it takes time for some to realize that they are in an abusive relationship. It’s not that simple for anyone, especially a woman to end an abusive relationship regardless from which community they are. Chassidishe are not more abused than non-Chassidish – that is a patently false allegation. These things happen in all communities and some recognize the abusive behaviour right away. For others there’s shock or the convincing of oneself that with time or the right intervention, it will work out, hence the prolongation of such a marriage. Such reasoning takes place in the Yishivishe world as well.

I happen to think that Chassidishe women are, in most cases, extremely respected by their husbands and vice versa.

Now in the Chassidshe world you have all types, however in general most Chassidim do have less expectations of what they want in a marriage. However, that is not necessarily a bad thing. That is why there is less divorce in the Chassidishe world.

The fact is, that some people, especially women get discouraged when they realize they will not get the love or closeness from their spouse, that they envisioned. In addition men and women are inherintly different and it takes some time to acclimate to each other as a couple. Now in the Chassidishe world, as the bar of expectations in marriage is lower, there is less room to feel resentful if the spouse is not fulfilling those expectations.