Reply To: Broken Engagements

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Clearheaded: Thank you. I hope you don’t mind if I look at you as an expert, so that you can guide me in these matters.

smartcookie: As I have stated, I don’t know much about that part of the torah world. I just know what I can see, and what others tell me. If there is no divorce in the Chassidish circles, then there are abusive relationships. I see Shalom Task Force, but Clearheaded has a good point (about remaining in an abusive relationship for “love”, “children”, “family”, etc. when all would really be much better if they just got out). Clearheaded tells me that divorce is accepted for abuse, unfaithfulness, etc. (SJS’s 4 points earlier). You state:

“They don’t stay in a marriage if they’re not happy”

Others before you (E.G. Kasha) disagree. Before I can know why there is/isn’t a similar divorce problem, and if there is anything that can be adapted, I first need some facts, please?

I still think the yeshivish world is for the reasons I said above, but am unsure if there is the same divorce factor in the chassidish world. If I am correct that the divorces we see are an outcome of the Shidduch Crisis and the obsession over Gelt, then the Chassidim will (Bezras Hashem) avoid this problem.

Clearheaded seems to have these facts, so I await her ideas on how she would help prevent broken engagements/divorces.