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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (mah-MOOD ah-MAD-ee-ne-zhad):

1) A small, ugly creature which lives in Teheran, Iran and is noted for its aggressive and abusive threats, most of which have little substance.

2) A small, ugly creature which steals election results and threatens to build nuclear bombs and reactors from spent white pistachio shells, not even knowing that red ones are necessary for the red pushbuttons on the remote control.

3) The only known outside supporter of the Ku Klutz Kartel, a ragtag group of renegade extreme anti-Zionists, each of whom claim the title Rabbi due to their having purchased it for a total of 1000 Paskesz candy wrappers during an ill-conceived marketing promotion. Many ballots cast for Ahmadinejad are said to resemble these candy wrappers in color, size and authenticity.

4) The Official Farsi Translation for “Jimmy Carter”.