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I am very optimistic. Oma and Opa were very pleased to have me, and they were pleased with what I brought (they’re a pillar of the MO community in Brookline and aren’t makpid on pas yisroel): a pint of Ciao Bella fancy sorbet (OU-Pareve in Blackberry Cabernet Sauvignon flavor) and a box of these really nifty cannoli cookies with the KVH Pareve hechsher I found in a Shaw’s across from the Bostoner Rebbe.

My feeling is that they’re very glad their granddaughter is with someone religious, since her father (like mine) went off the derech and the kids returned.

The only thing that was a gaffe of sorts was that they thought it was bizarre I didn’t use the eruv, but I explained that I generally don’t carry on shabbos, bichlal, unless there is a “Rambam eruv,” which in America, is like finding a pink unicorn.

It was also a real mechaye to daven in Maimonides and to see the Rav’s shtender, which they keep well-preserved and in a kavodike manner.

It was special when Opa and I learned a little bit in the afternoon together.

And I did wear a nice pressed shirt and my fanciest suit.

The chocolates I am bringing to a friend’s sheva brachos tomorrow night.