Reply To: Pesach Cleaning

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Some women, especially those who work or have other obligations out of the home, like to start Pesach cleaning early as it makes them feel calmer. Some women, especially those blessed with little kids who sprinkle cracker crumbs into every nook & cranny as soon as it is sterilized, like to start Pesach cleaning close to Bedikas Chametz. Some women for whom this is something new are not really sure what their plan is and may end up starting way too early or too late. Or both! Some women who have years of experience and have it all down to a science may find their plans disrupted by circumstances- a simcha, an illness, or like oomis (Good luck oomis!!!) a hurricane.

Mr Koillel1 I have one word of advice for how to handle your curiousity about how and when we all manage to clean for Pesach: Help! Help your wife as much as you can and you”ll be too busy to be curious.