Reply To: Purim Shtick

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4) turn all the desks over and move the teachers desk into the hallway

5) do s/t having to do with a specific teacher (ie s/o who hates when you chew gum in her class-e/o chew gum just make sure n/t disrespectful)

6)seniors show up to freshies classes and vise versa (same with juniors and sophomores)

7)this one depends on your school-yu have to judge if this will work- e/o shows up with bright red lipstick, weird shades of eyeshadow, mascara smeared all over (best if applied AFTER coming to school after davening…)

8) giving every day a “theme” :hat day-e/o wears a silly hat, pigtail day (and decorate w/ pigs, wear s/t pink),nissan day-set up a seder in your davening room, make one room a nursery-6 at one time, diff things like taht, circus day-oh wait, no decorating necessary there!

more to follow…:)