Reply To: How Much Money Does the Israeli Government Give to Kollel Families?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel How Much Money Does the Israeli Government Give to Kollel Families? Reply To: How Much Money Does the Israeli Government Give to Kollel Families?


RBS: Your argument, in a nutshell, is that people are required to make good money so that they should pay taxes. Your same argument equally goes against a guy who lives with his parents and doesn’t work. Or a guy who is poor and doesn’t make much money.

And you are simply wrong. As much as you don’t like it, the grown up living off his parents, the yeshiva guy and/or the poor guy have every right to be just like that. You have no right to tell the guy living with his parents to go get a job, or the yeshiva guy who is earning a living as a melamed or anyone else to change and to get a better paying job (or to even get *a* job). They have every right to remain as is.