Reply To: Dressing up as a Nun, Munk,or Santa Claus for Purim

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Dressing up as a Nun, Munk,or Santa Claus for Purim Reply To: Dressing up as a Nun, Munk,or Santa Claus for Purim


I went to a chatuna on December 25th.

The chatan’s buddies did some kind of a shtick involving Santa Claus hats.

I was very put off by that, but didn’t want to make a macha’ah since it was an otherwise joyous occasion. OTOH, the fact that this was a chatuna where the most scum secular heavy metal/rap tunes were being played was very troubling to me. I also chuckled to myself when men dressed in the kedusha of the spiffy spodek processed to Elton John tunes.