Reply To: Yair Lapid to Chareidim- you won

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Bear – Don’t bother these Zionists with truth -they aren’t interested.

The Chilonim want the Charedim exactly where they are now. It’s like the US before the civil war -they wanted the slaves. They could never imagine one day that they would be free and one would be President. So this guy Lapid talks big, but as soon as he implements his equality plan -the Charedim won’t be the sub-class anymore. A lot will end up in the army and then they will go to work afterwards. They will take over the economy and then the country and most of the Chilonim will flee the country and the few left will be the new sub-class. So Lapid knows they can’t keep the Charedim down much longer -so he’s trying to make them as miserable as possible in the interim. So he’s a perfect politician – he stands up to get votes based on the hatred of Charedim, but not for a second does he want all the Charedim in the army which in turn would elevate their social status.

The Chilonim are caught between a hard place and a rock. But sooner or later, they will lose the country -either by forcing the Charedim into the army and then into working or by the coming of Moshiach or by the Arabs taking over. Their time is limited and they know it. And the so-called religious that joined up with this guy will end up with him, just like the followers of Korach. People think Korach was a big Sheigetz, but in reality he looked just as Frum as Moshe Rabbeynu.