Reply To: Yair Lapid to Chareidim- you won

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Yair Lapid to Chareidim- you won Reply To: Yair Lapid to Chareidim- you won


I love it, you go around saying that we only take money because the medinah has laws that let us take it. At the same time you say that the medinah is treif and a horrible thing. Then you’re completely ungrateful & complain that the money is not enough to live off of. Then you say that you really want to work but you’re discriminated against. Then you say that anyone who wants to change the laws is just someone who “hates charedim” but you also yell out that it’s “changing the status quo.”

Hello!!! Wake up!!! You can’t go around being greedy and then ungrateful and then accusatory… and then be upset about the person who’s paying the bill wanting to “change the status quo.” Of course, then you realize that you’ve been peeing into the well that you drink from so it’s time to quickly run to the people that you’ve been calling “goyim” and playing the “we’re all religious” card and we should all stand together. This is not a hashkafa, it’s being manipulative and it’s a tired act.