Reply To: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant

Home Forums Rants Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant Reply To: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant


The lesson that should be learned from Sefer Yonah is that HaShem cares about the nations, and wants us to be an ohr la goyim, and to help steer the world towards the path of morality.

How anyone can abdicate this duty is unconscionable, especially when misguided members of our community sadly use their Orthodox affiliations as a means of sugarcoating their support for leftist LGBT causes (I’m talking about the statement drafted by R’ Nati Helfgot).

There are more pressing concerns that we have to deal with, especially in areas like conversion, kiruv, tuition costs, the need for parnassa, etc.