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Toi, regarding Chevron – I have a bit of a connection and so know a bit about it. My Great uncle was a talmid there at the time, and he happened to be sick the weekend of the massacre, at home with his family in Yerushalayim. His fellow students were murdered.

There is clear, testimonial and documentary evidence that the Chevron Massacre was incited and initiated as part of a campaign by Haj Amin Al Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and perhaps the most anti-Semitic Arab leader in history. He was a Jew hater before he was against Zionists. He spent the War in Berlin as a guest of Hitler (Y’SH) and personally mobilized the SS Bosnian Muslim Division. His rhetoric is filled with Jew hatred. He hired Nazi fugitives to train and lead Muslim irregulars after the war.