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Ein Atid aims to destroy kedushas ha’aretz and entrap Jews who are truly tinokois shenishbeu into severe averois through civil marriage etc.

There are many yeshivos that operate without the help of the medine. The difference for such yeshivos would be a decline in their monthly electric bills when they switch to an Arab supplier.

In any event, it is only the ridiculous system in EY that keeps avrechim who want to leave kollel from entering the work force. The medine does NOT want charedim in the work force, polluting the tzioinish enterprise and spearheading a wave of tshuva. They want them in the army to shmad them out – if they agreed to national service, it would truly be the end of the medine as they knew it and wanted it. The status quo is great for the medine too, as charedim are held in contempt for refusal to work when it is the tzioinish system that keeps them down.

The medine cannot win a fight against Arabs, especially with Sugar Daddy America moving away from its side. Therefore, it fights Jews, in the way of the misyovnim and baryoinim of old whose skewed traditions it upholds.

Gam ze yaavor.