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@superme- I’m speechless. As a parent of boys, I can remember many times when one would come home saying he’d been “kicked out” of class and I was like “what did you do to deserve it”? Usually with boys, there’s some kind of commotion. And frequently, after my son told me what happened, I could understand why he got kicked out. But it was rare. Unless you were being super-chutzpadik, I can’t fathom this happening.

SaysMe gave good advice about asking mechila. But since it sounds like you did that already and had a worse experience of being humiliated, it’s time to kick it up a level. Talk to your parents at a calm and private time. Think of all of the things you were doing at the time and what the general mood of the class was. Be 100% honest. Since you already apologized to the rebbi I know you have it in you. Ask your parents for advice and support. See what they have to say and how they can support you. Perhaps you can come up with some kind of plan to all meet with the rebbi and have a “behavior plan” ready for him. Be proactive. But also be respectful and humble. If my daughter came home with this tale, I’d support her all the way, but I’d also want to uncover the truth. Every story has two sides. It may be that you caught it when the rebbi was at the lowest of lows and couldn’t take one more thing. They are human.

I’ve been in your place, accused of something horrible and very upsetting, with no seeming way to redeem myself. I urge you to daven to NOT carry a grudge. Daven for his welfare, that he should have the zechus of good classes, wonderful nachas from all his children. If you develop a grudge, you’ll only hurt yourself. Remember, HaShem gives us what we need. I’m not trying to blow you off or be “frum,” rather I wish you growth, Toradige growth, through this difficult period.