Reply To: "The Kavona of the Haters of Israel…"

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel "The Kavona of the Haters of Israel…" Reply To: "The Kavona of the Haters of Israel…"


The army does not need nor want more manpower, let alone do they care enrolling those who have special requests which, at least formally, are supposed to be accommodated. Modern wars require specialized and highly trained personnel, not troops. There is only one possible reason for insisting upon assimilating haredim. If things were as you suggest, they would get rid of draft altogether and use the taxpayer’s money to hire and train the best candidates among the many excellent perspective soldiers, jewish and non jewish, who would like to join the IDF, take care of equipment and logistics (instead, there are many loose ends), and make sure the military career is well-paid and desirable (for those who are interested in it).