Reply To: "The Kavona of the Haters of Israel…"

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel "The Kavona of the Haters of Israel…" Reply To: "The Kavona of the Haters of Israel…"



I find it fascinating that someone who isn’t an Israeli Chareidi knows so much about their motivations, for example that “They go to Yeshiva not to protect Israel but to avoid the draft”. To quote your own words: “was Sanhedrin re-instated when I wasn’t looking? Have you been declared a Navi?”

In addition you write “I’m sick of hearing about how the Chareidim “protect” the Medina. Nobody knows that and nobody has reshus to say that.” It seems the Gedolim disagree with you. But I agree that if you are indeed a Sanhedrin-declared Navi, that you may be right while they are wrong.