Reply To: "The Kavona of the Haters of Israel…"

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel "The Kavona of the Haters of Israel…" Reply To: "The Kavona of the Haters of Israel…"


The real problem is that they correlate the laws of the mandatory draft and preventing non-enlisted citizens from being employed. They should completely seperate it and allow non-draftees to be legally employed. If that were the case then you would see a lot more Chareidim employed in the workforce.

So the blame as to why so many Chareidim are not working even though they may not be cut out for learning lies at the feet of the chiloni government. (You must recognize that even though many Chareidim strongly object on concientious grounds to serving in the military, they certainly desire to be employed but are legally prohibited from working since they did not serve in the armed forces.)