Reply To: Zumba=Not Tzanuah?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Zumba=Not Tzanuah? Reply To: Zumba=Not Tzanuah?


zumba is based on latin dance moves which are intended to be very sensuous and provocative. that said it is possible to dance without being provocative if you stick to the steps and moderate the other moves. certainly the dances as danced originally are not tsnius but that doesn’t mean that you can’t dance them in a tzniusdik fashion. you can do the same with nearly every dance. yes ,it is proper to raise the sensitivity of a bas yisrael and avoid dancing in a provocative way ,and this includes all dancing. years ago i used to see girls at weddings dance in a very “prust” way and i never understood it. it doesn’t matter if you’re only dancing in front of women. its unbecoming to a bas yisrael. i think the classes should be renamed “kosher latin” and go out and have fun. just like we’re allowed to use parve milk with fleishig and fake bacon and shrimp, we should be able to dance fast to latin music albeit in a kosher way. and yes eliminate the unacceptable lyrics.