Reply To: Zumba=Not Tzanuah?

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Feif Un

HaKatan, I wrote to you that you are mistaken, and that the majority of MO schools do NOT have mixed classes except at the very young age levels. Don’t attack a problem that doesn’t exist.

As for the YU Commentator, I don’t read it very often, so I can’t comment on specifics. The only thing I can say is that it’s a newspaper, which will often print a minority opinion just to gain readers. I highly doubt the letters written represent the majority of students in YU.

You also wrote how society has changed, so we must be more stringent, and have more takanos. How can you then claim that you practice “authentic Judaism” if you admit that it changes with the times? If anything, the Judaism YOU practice has changed with society, while MO has remained constant.

As Sam2 said, you are quite convinced that your way is correct no matter what. You are not open to an intelligent debate. That is why this will be my last response to you in this thread.