Reply To: Israeli Army Is Not Short on Manpower�Why Draft the Bnei Torah?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Israeli Army Is Not Short on Manpower�Why Draft the Bnei Torah? Reply To: Israeli Army Is Not Short on Manpower�Why Draft the Bnei Torah?


I don’t think it’s so much an issue of drafting B’nei Torah as it is an issue of Kollel Yungerlite not working. In theory, if instead of a draft/kollel option there would be an option for anyone over 30 to leave kollel and get a job, a lot more Chareidim would be working and a lot less non-Frum would be angry at them.

The problem is that it seems to me that any attempt by anyone to institute a tertiary option is met with ridiculous cries of “destroying the oilom haTorah”. Can’t everyone just agree that there can possibly be something other than “soul destroying army duty for a treifa medina” and “learn in kollel on government handouts and whatever you can schnor no matter how much of a masmid you aren’t”?