Reply To: Israeli Army Is Not Short on Manpower�Why Draft the Bnei Torah?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Israeli Army Is Not Short on Manpower�Why Draft the Bnei Torah? Reply To: Israeli Army Is Not Short on Manpower�Why Draft the Bnei Torah?


Josh31 -The Torah always says anybody who comes to kill you – Yashkaim V’horgo. This doesn’t make it into a Milchemes Mitzva though, no matter what you say. There are special Dinim to a Milchemes Mitzva which doesn’t apply here in Israel.

And I’ve said many times if you give the land to the Goyim like to Turkey -you won’t have any more wars. The Zionists had No right to make their country in EY. They should have gone to Uganda!