Reply To: Eat the morning of a Fast day

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“I really, really don’t like that that site tries to pass off the degrees as the main Shittah.”

That’s an unfair and inaccurate statement.

“tries to pass off” connotes a deliberate attempt to deceive.

That’s not the case at all – on taanasim, all zmanim come up by default without any additional clicks needed, while on “regular” days, you can simply click the “Not all zmanim and opinions have been displayed. If you can’t find the zman you’re looking for click All Zmanim” link at the bottom of the page to see all different zmanim and opinions.

He gives his reasoning for listing the degree-based zman he normally lists as the default here:

If the majority of poskim disagree with this measurement (I don’t know either way), it’s entirely legitimate to question why he prefers this listing, and/or to ask him yourself.