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For once I agree with Health. Yair Lapid ran and won his seats on a social agenda, vis, shielding the middle class from budget cuts and tax increases and seeking to lower housing prices in Tel Aviv etc by shifting the focus on settlement building.

This is one condition he has set for entering a coalition, the second is to “increase the share of the burden” and the third is to restart negotiations with the PA.

He has also said he will not be part of a right wing government, so at least one center-left party will need to be included. Shelly has already ruled herself out, so that leaves Livni and Mofaz. It’s possible Mofaz won’t have passed the threshold after all the remaining votes (IDF, double votes etc) are counted, but even if he does, his two seats aren’t enough for a stable coalition. That leaves Livni. Livni also has stated she will not be in a coalition with Bennett.

So both Lapid and Livni have ruled out Bennett which leaves…the hareidim. What to do about the draft? First focus on what issues they have in common, social issues primarily and perhaps also building issues, then come to a compromise.

Regardless I see no reason to worry. As much as many here would love to see another hareidi-free government to say “I told you so!” it’s not likely to happen. For further proof, already Moshe Gafni (!!) has stated he will sit down and talk with Yesh Atid. Moshe Gafni. Just think about that.