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Your approach is corroborated by the Shulchan Aruch and “R'” Ovadia Yosef? Did I read that right?
Rabbi Abadi’s sons have a website on the internet and it has Q&A forum which also discusses at length Pesach food issues for Sefaradim in USA. May I point out that nowhere do they advocate that Askhenazim with an established family minhag in regards to avoiding soy, peanuts, corn etc, should eat them. Some examples (no links, but click on an answer and replace the number) 37603 about popcorn “please follow your Rabbi when it comes to corn, soy and peanuts for Ashkenaz”; 52383 about corn pasta “ok for Sephardim. for Ashkenazim follow your Rabbi” and anyone can search the forums for more.
Gavra-at-work I am afraid I haven’t got a mehadrin proofreader, but please feel free to correct any residual mistakes, you have our enthusiastic permission and thanks. 😉 And, yes, he told me that post of mine was very badly written. Apologies.