Reply To: Ta'arovet Hametz kadma l' Pesach

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I use extra-virgin olive oil and peel most fruits and vegetables year-round and I never craved peels or corn oil (which by the way is not very healthy). Back to Pesach, as I am sure your Rabbis taught you, Askhenazim are forbidden to eat kitniyot but may eat food cooked and served in keilim used for kitniyot, in fact, even a grain of rice that should fall in the Askhenazi’s dish is no concern at all (if it’s not dissolved but is still recognizable as a seed, he has to put aside and avoid eating it). In the old world, Askhenazim have been eating in Sefaradi homes for centuries during Pesach, and Sefardim have been eating kitniyot in Askhenazi homes during Pesach for centuries as well. Please explain us why refraining from ***kitniyot*** makes a kitchen more “Askhenazi-friendly”.