Reply To: Shmura Matzah: Hand or Machine

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Shmura Matzah: Hand or Machine Reply To: Shmura Matzah: Hand or Machine


Considering that matzah’s were hand-made for the approximately 3,500 years from Yetzias Metzrayim until the 19th Century CE, it would be foolish to assert that it is better than hand-made matzah’s, as such a claim would effectively mean that the kashrus was lacking in the matzah’s of Am Yisroel in the 3 millennium leading up to the invention of the machine.

Considering that seforim were hand-printed for the approximately 3,000 years from Yetzias Metzrayim until the 15th Century CE, it would be foolish to assert that printed seforim are better and more accurate than hand-written seforim, as such a claim would effectively mean that the accuracy was lacking in the seforim of Am Yisroel in the 3 millennium leading up to the invention of the printing press.

The Wolf