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Home Forums In The News Win for the Charaidim in Eretz Yisroel!! Reply To: Win for the Charaidim in Eretz Yisroel!!


Mobe613 -“The charedim have brought this all on themselves”

You’re right – they should never have taken anything from the Zionists.

“and in the process have created one of the biggest chil hashems in history.”

You don’t know what a Chillul Hashem is.

“There is absolutely no basis for not serving in the army.”

There is absolutely no basis for serving.

“But it is obvious, and has always been obvious, that the chareidim just dont want to serve.”

How did you figure this one out?

And the reason is because going to the army is against the Torah.

“Charedim should have approached the secular like chabad, with warmth and understanding and tried to be mekarev them, instead they just pushed them away by being selfish and worrying only about themselves.”

Who do you think all these Kiruv orgs are for – Charedim?

“They claim that they are protecting the state by learning, but you would have to be a delusional charedi to think that is an argument that would actually convince anyone that isnt charedi. Who did they think they were dealing with? They finally pushed things too far and everyone else is fed up and now they will get what they have brought upon themselves.”

They are -whether some Zionists understands this or not.