Reply To: teachers tying the children's shoelaces.

Home Forums Family Matters teachers tying the children's shoelaces. Reply To: teachers tying the children's shoelaces.


And, it would really set a great example for your students, and everyone else, if you took a moment (less time than it takes to tie one student’s shoe laces) to clean up your English usage before posting.

You wrote:

There are several things that are clearly wrong with this sentence.

1. It needs to begin with a capital letter

3. It is customary to make it clear what is being spent, I believe you meant time in this case

Had you taken the time to proofread, a skill at least as important as shoe tying, some would say more important for a teacher, you might have written something like:

While I would still disagree with your premise, at least it would have been cogently and correctly presented.

Please know that my critique of your writing is not meant to be anything other than a slightly tongue-in-cheek object lesson.

Sorry folks, I didn’t meant to go on so long…