Reply To: Double Wrapping Pesach Food In Chometz Oven

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Double Wrapping Pesach Food In Chometz Oven Reply To: Double Wrapping Pesach Food In Chometz Oven

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Just make sure to have your non Jewish friend turn on the oven so you avoid any potential basar b’chalav cooking shaylos. That is, if there are meat and milk drippings in the oven and you turn it on you have a problem of cooking milk and meat together.

Also, I don’t know of any balabustah who would allow it, but I also don’t know of any who would have eaten on pesach in their grandmothers’ kitchens. Where food was prepared for pesach for weeks in advance in the regular chometz kitchen. All they did was roll back the tablecloth and designate the area for pesach. I don’t think any balabustas today would dream of doing that, and yet that is not a problem. Neither is not baking chometz in your pesach oven.

Remember, on Pesach even a mah shehu is not batul, whereas year-round the issur is butail with 1/60.