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Da’as Yochid, whom you want to convince with that ma’amar Chazal? The frei?
Most are not likely to be convinced so easily (although there are some frei who do understand the importance of limud haTorah), but we can hope that they can be made to understand that this is our sincerely held belief. I think many think we’re just making excuses (R’ Moshe Grylak wrote about this a few weeks ago in Mishpacha).
The MO who do not want to support all those people in learning anymore?
Those who really believe in divrei Chaza”l – yes. (To reiterate, I am only referring to those who are actually learning. Those who aren’t are responsible for their lack of contribution to the welfare of Klal Yisroel.)
What about the Chillul HaShem?
We’ve been through this before (although you’ve really gone off the deep end now, because we’re not currently discussing taking money). It’s not a chillul Hashem to live according to Chaza”l’s dictum. We may have an obligation to try our best to teach them what the truth is, but we certainly have no obligation to change our way of life and avodas Hashem because of the apikorsus permeating secular culture (which has unfortunately made major headway even into the mindset of some shomer Shabbos Yidden). Quite the contrary. We must stand strong in our beliefs.