Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

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Let’s correct modox brainwashed education

“If other rabbis (most, actually) and the Talmud believe that work is absolutely preferable than living off tzedakah, why would anyone believe otherwise?”

Ever heard of the mapai red card?

Ever heard of the histadrut?

When Weitzman visited in the mid 20s, he said the most impressive settlement was Bnei Brak

The original chareidi settlers were all small farmers, shop keepers, and businessmen.

And they were chased out.

By whom?

R’ Nachman Bulman started a frum anglo community in ’80s in Migdal Emek with a ratio of 3 earner: 1 learner.

He requested the secular and mizrachi parties for help. The hypocrites all couldn’t care less.

“These same gedolim were the ones advising Jews not to leave Europe during the 1930s when Jabotinsky begged them to leave.”

R’ Yisroel Salanter, the Kelmer maggid, S. Zeitlen the frum journalist, the Torah Temimah, R’ Elchonon Wasserman all foretold the coming catastrophe.

What was the alternative?


Where the Jewish Agency cajoled the British not to let them in?

“RAK B’DAM TIHYE LANU HA’AETZ, Shed your blood cheerfully, for your blood is cheap. But for your blood, the Land will be ours.”

Moisville, Argentina?

where the Jews have long since assimilated?

The US?

Where R’ J.B. was so dispirited in the ’30s, that he wanted to go BACK to Europe?

Ah, yes, Jabotinsky

who tore up his zionist membership card in ’31,

was treacherously marginalized by mizrachi’s concordat with Ben Gurion in ’35,

and secular as he was, toward the end felt more in kindred with the gedolim

“One more thing. You criticize the state and every Jew who doesn’t think like you. Well, that’s your perogative, but don’t you feel just a wee bit hypocritical taking money from this same state and from these same Jews that you hate?”

After they sucked everything from the Jewish people and give back a pittance?

In 1976, in Tradition Magazine! there was an article that stated that if not for the State of Israel, tens or hundreds of millions would have gone to Jewish education, communal institutions and yeshivos…
