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“Honestly, you are same type of narrow minded bigot who believes all chareidim are lazy shnoorers who won’t lift a finger to help anyone other than themselves.”
So you admit you are narrow minded bigot.
YOU yourself wrote this on this thread-
“All I will say is this: If you truly believe that what Hashem wants is for all Chareidi Jews to refuse to work (legally) and just live on tzedakah, we live in different worlds. I guess you can try to justify your decision any way you like, twisting and turning whomever supports this untenable position, but anyone who has more than a eighth grade education will realize that this is totally unsustainable. Do you realize that in Israel and America, the view of chareidi life gets more negative every day? All we see are people who demonstrate against other religious Jews in Ramat Bet Shemesh, shnooring money to marry off their children, and refusing to do anything to help other Jews other than themselves.”
“Haing these bigotted views only increases the animosity that non-charedim have for chareidim. Is that really what you want? I guarantee you this will end badly Haing these bigotted views only increases the animosity that non-charedim have for chareidim. Is that really what you want? I guarantee you this will end badly”
Every secular knows precisely the opposite.
Too many chareidim have been living for too long between two worlds without choosing sides that has brought this on their heads.
I predicted these developments months and years ago.
I guarantee this is the beginning of the salvation.
“However, the hatred some of you have toward anyone who doesn’t agree with you is just plain wrong.”
I stand up (against any self-interest) for what is right.
Welcome to the club. You, ROB, etc. when faced with articulately with truth hide in your smokescreens.