Reply To: Seder Much Too Long

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Rabbeim, how can you say such offensive things about talmud when you dont even know who he is?

My father makes the seder interesting. each kid has to present a pesach project that was given to us 3 weeks in advance. my father dresses up and uses lots of props. We play games like headbands with names like pharoah, bilom, moshe, basya and objects like frogs, sea etc. Then we go through the whole story with everyone pitching in and asking questions. It’s realy very enjoyable and it doesnt seem like we are going through maggid because its a mizvah but rather because it is an enjoyable task to do. We barely motice that we are hungry because we are enjoying ourselves. Maybe ask your father to make some changes to the seder to make it more fun and enjoyable? It can be really boring to sit for hours and just listen to your father talk.