Reply To: Very interesting Kasha�Makas Choshech

Home Forums Bais Medrash Very interesting Kasha�Makas Choshech Reply To: Very interesting Kasha�Makas Choshech


While you are at it you might as well ask on the other pshatim in that midrash that 49/50ths or 499/500ths died. But it could be that they were at the 50th level of tumah which is the level which is considerd to have absolutely no chance of doing tshuvah. Otherwise it is very hard to understand how they did not want to leave mitzrayim. They must have been so entrenched in Egyptian culture that they preffered to remain as slaves than to leave. This is a much lower level than non-frum people nowadays. This may have give them the status of not being part of klal yisroel in which case their death is not a reason for mourn, similar to the halachah that there is no aveilus on an apikorus.