Reply To: Bnos Sara vs. Bnos Chava

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bnos sarah: definitely more to the right than bc, but not as academic. more of a mix of girls at bc.

monsey girl: yeshivish, but not super academic? tiferes is very yeshivish (there are 5 girls from bais rochel this year). most of the parent body are roshei yeshivos, rebbeim, etc… while that is not necesary or even impot=rtant to the girls, it IS an indication of the yeshivishness of the place. (there are several girls from non-klei-kodesh houses, but the girls themselves are yeshivish. hadar has been losing girls to tiferes and masores rochel (VERY academic, mix of girls, think bjj) so there will be a mix of girls there (as they needed to fill in the past couple of years)

what school are you in? where are your classmates going?