Reply To: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship

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AOM – Oh we get it. It’s the MO’s & Mizrachists & Tzionim whom Don’t get it. Almost all the Gedolim aren’t WRONG!

I remember when I was there, that they have an underground to help you remain a Non-citzen. I personally didn’t need them because I was there only a year. The reason why they have this because all the Eitzos mentioned above doesn’t really work. I think there is a time limit on renewing your tourist visa. And even though you can, I think, do the Student visa unlimited -they give you Tzoros, like for the females in your family and possibly fines and the docs. you need to prove Student status.

I knew s/o who would travel every so often to Cypress to be able to maintain his Tourist status. Because like I just said -there is a time limit on these Visas and to renew them you have to leave Israel every couple of years and start over.

One guy told me he once contacted the Agudah there and asked for help and they told him -“What’s wrong with becoming a citizen?”
